

By Tony Nardella

I recently had lunch with a colleague who calls himself a “truth-seeking agnostic.” I understand his skepticism, having been an agnostic myself many years ago. While we talked I told him that I agreed that the claims of Christ are so incredibly good they are hard to believe.

It’s hard to believe that our sins can be forgiven, that our lives can be changed for the better, that our bodies can be healed, and that death is not the end of our existence. That’s more than most people hope for and better than any of us deserve!

Most of you reading this grew up with these ideas. But there are many around the world to whom these ideas are strange. Indeed, why should they believe in the impossible? Why indeed?

During my lunch with my agnostic friend, I asked him whether it was possible ‘that God knew that His good news would seem too good to be true?’ He agreed, and then his eyes brightened when I quoted the Apostle Paul regarding this truth. Paul wrote that he did not use “lofty speech or wisdom” when he shared God’s testimony, but he spoke “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” 1 Cor.2:4-5. My friend was glad to hear that, and even asked me for the cite in the Bible so he could look it up!

God understands the human need for corroborating evidence. I am convinced that God created our world to operate under natural laws so that supernatural events would command our attention. In other words, God purposefully inserted supernatural events which break the laws of nature to help us believe the supernatural promises of God.

The Scriptures are full of testimonies of miracles with this purpose. As we look at the Old Testament, we see that Moses needed a burning bush to believe. Exodus 3. We see that Abraham needed a smoking firepot and a flaming torch. Gen.15. Gideon needed a wet fleece and fire from heaven. Judges 6. In Elijah’s day the people of Israel needed fire to fall from heaven to decide that God is the only God worthy of serving. 1 Kings 18.

God desires his miracles and supernatural acts to corroborate His incredible promises. In the New Testament it says that’s why God gave us the gifts of the Spirit. Hebrews 2:3-4. That’s why God vouched for Jesus with “mighty works and wonders and signs.” Acts 2:22. That’s why Jesus presented himself alive with many “convincing proofs” after he rose from the dead. Acts 1:3.

Miracles, signs and wonders are an integral part of God’s plan to help us believe news that seems too good to be true. In fact, Jesus taught that people would not believe His really good news unless they saw miraculous signs and wonders. John 4:48. That is one reason why Jesus did so many miracles. He wants us to believe that He is more than just another man, that He is God and the Son of God.

The testimonies of these miracles and signs by Jesus were recorded so that we “may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing … have life in his name.” John 20:31.

I believe the whole world really wants to believe the good news of the gospel but finds our good news hard to believe. As we and others go around the world proclaiming God’s really good news, please pray that miracles, signs and wonders would multiply more and more, and continue to confirm His Word, so that all people would believe! Mark 16:20.

May you have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

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